
nuxt vuetify strapi Page

Introduction - Advanced Vuetify Page

Strapi is a powerful Headless CMS, but it is designed for developers. your customers need a better UI. Vuetify is a greate UI kit to create beautiful page systems. VSP (Vuetify Strapi Page) is a set of UI components for creating beautiful a page or CRM for your customers.

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professional and fast developing

the main reason why we combined Nuxt Vuetify and Strapi is that we as programmers need powerful and popular frameworks to have safe and professional panels. but when it comes to business, time is everything. with VSP both professional stack and fast developing are met.

time saving

you can setup Strapi and VSP in less than 10 minutes! now your panel is ready. this page designed for Lazy developers who loves be professional. when you have just 1 month to use your energy and willpower to build a system for your business, Strapi for backend and Nuxt for Frontend is best options.

systems and businesses

systems are key. you design your business system and work on it, then you wait for right time to make a lot money without that much work